The Journal
For general instructions for authors, go further and below for LaTeX Style Sheets
Editorial Policy
The Journal publishes original papers on Optimization Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Numerical Methods, Mathematical Economics, Decision Theory, Games Theory as well as interesting applications and specialized software.
An equilibrium between the different subjects and between theory and applications is expected within each volume. Referative papers, related with problems which are of interest for the potential readers of this publication, information on conferences and other scientific activities and new books will be reviewed.
The authors should send a pdf-file of their contribution to the Editor in Chief or to one of the Associate Editors.
Informations and books should be send to the Editor in Chief or to the Secretary.
An Abstract of no more than 100 words and from 3 to 5 key words should accompany the paper. Occasionally the journal will assume the translation service of the abstract, the introduction of the Key Words and the AMS classification.
Investigación Operacional publishes papers in English or Spanish.
The papers will be refereed by two members of the referee’s staff approved by the Editorial Board. The final decision will be communicated by the secretary.
The final version of accepted papers has to be sent by e-mail, as a pdf-file issued from Latex or Microsoft Word, (together with the sources files) in a ready-to-print version. The graphics and draws should have high quality to allow an adequate photocopy.
Mail with respect to papers
Investigación Operacional
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
Universidad de La Habana.
San Lázaro y L, Habana CP 10 400.Cuba

Editor in Chief, Editorial Board
Editor Responsable/ Editor in Chief: Sira Allende, Universidad de La Habana/Cuba
Editores Asociados/ Associate Editors:
- Marie Cottrell, SAMM-Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/France
- Christine Tammer, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Germany
- José. L. Verdegay, Universidad de Granada, Granada/Spain
- Bengt-Arne Wickstroem, Andrássy-Universität. Budapest/Hungary
Secretario / Secretary : Carlos Bouza, Universidad de La Habana/Cuba
Consejo Editorial /Editorial Board
- A. I. Al-Omari [Al al-Bayt University, Jordanania],
- D. Aussel [Université de Perpignan, France]
- M.L. Baguer [Universidad de La Habana, Cuba],
- J.-M.Bardet [Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne]
- G. Bouza [Universidad de la Habana, Cuba],
- R. Caballero [Universidad de Málaga, Spain],
- H. Carrillo [Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, México]
- A. Célisse [SAMM-Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne]
- J.J. Cochran [University of Alabama, USA],
- F. Cucker [Hong Kong City University, China]
- M. Davidian [North Caroline State University, USA],
- R. Enkhbat [National University of Mongolia, Mongolia],
- H. Jujita Yashima [Universita di Torino, Italy],
- R. Kalid [Universidades Federal do Sul Bahia],
- L. Keller [University of California, USA],
- A. Kurshid [University of Nizwa, Oman]
- A. Marrero [Universidad de la Habana, Cuba],
- V.A. Martinez [Universidad da Coruna, Spain],
- J. Miranda [Universidad de Chile, Chile]
- M. Mittal [Amity School of Engg. & Tech.,India],
- M. A. Montero [Universidad de Granada]
- A. Muñoz [Universidad del Quindio, Colombia],
- M. Negreiros [Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Brazil]
- L. Neralić [University Zagreb, Croatia]
- M. Nicado [Universidad Central, Cuba],
- T. Numi [University of Tampere, Finland],
- M. Ojeda [Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico]
- M. Olteanu [Université Paris Dauphine]
- A. F.Paschenko [Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Russia],
- A. B. Petrovsky [ Institute for Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia],
- Ll Plá [Universidad de Lleida, Spain],
- M.M. Rueda [Universidad de Granada, Spain],
- J. Rückmann [Birmingham University, England],
- A. Ruiz [Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas, Cuba],
- M.L. Sandoval [Benemérita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico],
- J. F. da Serra Costa [Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Brazil],
- N. Shah [Gujarat University, India],
- P. Sharma [Dehradun, India],
- Z. Shkedy [University Hasselt, Belgium],
- P. Soulier [Université Paris-Nanterre]
- R. Stolletz [University of Mannheim, Germany],
- M.D. Ugarte [Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain],
- G.K. Vishwakarma [Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, India]
- A.E. Xavier [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil],
- G. Zou [Academy of Mathematical Sciences- Chinese Academy of Science, China]
References and Impact Factors
This journal is refereed by:
Academic Search Premier, Current Index to Statistics, CUBACIENCIA, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), DIALNET, EBSCO, Fuente Academica, Fuente Academica Premier, Institute for Information Resources, Index Copernicus, International Abstracts of Operations Research, International Impact Factor Services, Latindex, Mathematical Reviews, Mathematical Sci. Index, SCOPUS, SSRN, Statistical Methods and Theory Abstracts, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Zentralblatt fur Mathematik. Covered by selected Elsevier product(s) starting in 2012.
Impact factors
- Institute for Information Resources : Global impact factor GIF : 1.009 (2018)
- SJR : 0.18 (2023)
- Impact Score: 0.71 (2021)
- h-Index:10
- ICV : 108,21 (2021)
The Journal is covered by:
- CNKI (,
- DTU Findit (,
- EBSCO Publishing (
- Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek ( ),
- Gale (
- Google Scholar (,
- Library of the Congress Online Catalog (,
- OneSearch (,
- Open Access (,
- Open J-gate (,
- PKP Open Archives Harvester (,
- ProQuest LIC. (,
- The British Library (,
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (,
- Worldcat (
- Linked to the Catalogs: COPAC, LATINDEX, OCLC, SHERPA-ROMEO, SUDOCDOAJ, WorldCat, ZDB.
Linked to the Catalogs: Actualidad Iberoamericana, COPAC, LATINDEX, OCLC, SHERPA-ROMEO, SUDOCDOAJ, Worlcat, ZDB.
Policy on Publication Ethics and Responsibilities
One of the main objectives of Revista Investigación Operacional is disseminating information of relevant the interest for the international Operations Research community. The policy below has been endorsed to ensure that the published papers have been generated, processed, and published using the highest ethical standards.
The results of the reported research should be recorded and maintained for allowing the analysis and review of them, for a reasonable period after publication, unless the privacy on sensitive issues could be affected.
The data used must not be generated purposively for sustaining misleading conjectures. It is assumed that the data has been obtained from sources available to the authors or used under the authorization of the owners.
The paper should contain sufficient detail and information for allowing repeating the work by the readers.
Authors should cite publications that have been influential in the reported work as well as the origin of re-used figures and tables.
Plagiarism is an unethical scientific behavior and is unacceptable.
The authors must not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in another journal or refereed publication. Submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal is also unethical and unacceptable.
Each paper has only one author (main) for correspondence who will have to lead the communication with the editorial board.
The authors should present an accurate account of the research performed and sustain its significance to the present State of the Art.
Information obtained privately cannot be used without permission of the author of the work being used.
For papers appearing in proceedings the authors must ensure that the proceedings do not constitute a primary source in the field. It must be provided as a reference.
Individuals contributing to the study should be acknowledged, but not identified as authors. That is the case of those with contributions in obtaining funds or materials, training, collecting or assembling data as well of directing the institution of the authors. The significance of their participation can be placed in the acknowledgments, if needed.
If the authors discover errors in a published work they must promptly retract the paper or correct the results.
Individuals who think that these policies have been violated for a specific paper are welcome to contact the editor in writing for advice and possible adjudication.
The main author is responsible of the appropriateness of the coauthor-ships and that all the coauthors evaluate the final version of the paper and agree to publish the paper.
The co-authors share some degree of responsibility with the main author. If one of the co-authors do not admit responsibility in the ethical and scientific issues (s)he must not be a coauthor.
The journal is a Peer-Reviewed one. Each paper is reviewed by two independent scientists who advice to editors.
The reviewers must not use information or ideas obtained through peer review, they must be kept confidential and not be used for competitive gain. They should not use them except with the consent of the author.
Reviewers must disclose conflicts of interest resulting from direct competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any of the authors, and avoid cases in which such conflicts preclude an objective evaluation.
Reviewers should judge objectively the quality of the research reported respecting the intellectual independence of the authors. Personal criticisms are inappropriate.
Reviewers should explain and support their judgments in two levels : one for the editors, which may be confidential, and to the authors in an understandable way.
Each manuscript is a confidential document. Hence it should neither be shown to nor discussed with others except with the editor who has sent it .
Reviewers can cite relevant published work not considered by the authors. This is especially important for statements such as that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported.
A reviewer should also call to the editor’s attention any substantial similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any published paper or manuscript submitted concurrently to another journal.
The editor has complete responsibility and authority to accept a submitted paper for publication or to reject it.
The editor confers associate editors and secretary the responsibility for an evaluation of submitted papers, suggesting and contacting reviewers and authors and making the final decision of publishing it or not.
All submitted papers are judged by considering their own merits un-regarding to race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors, and respecting the intellectual independence of the authors.
The editor and the editorial board are compromised to not disclose any information on a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than reviewers and potential reviewers.
Unpublished information, arguments, or interpretations disclosed in a submitted manuscript would not used by an editor in own research except with the consent of the author.
Review articles are not of original nature, thus Part I do not apply.
Generally review articles will be papers invited by one of the editors. Invited papers are evaluated by the Editor who made the invitation and supports its quality
In other cases the authors must explicit the scope of their review and its interest for the readers of the journal. Therefore is expected that such papers should reference the most relevant and influential published papers, books etc., and provide an objective discussion of their content.
Instructions to authors
Microsoft Word or PDF formats may be submitted online to the editors for initial evaluation. If the paper is accepted the final file must be sent using a Words or Latex support. The LATEX macro can be obtained at the Web site of the journal
Author(s) who require the return of any submitted material that is accepted for publication should inform the Editorial Office after acceptance. If no indication is given that author the editors will dispose of the electronic material two months after publication. The papers cannot exceed 2mo.
Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise and grammatically correct English or Spanish (with 10 font size and Times New Roman font style) so that they are intelligible to no-specialists. The entire manuscript, including references, should be typed single spaced on one side of the paper, with margins of 1 inch each side. All pages should be numbered consecutively in the bottom centre. Indent new paragraphs. Turn the hyphenation option off, including only those hyphens that are essential to the meaning. The manuscript should be presented in the following order.
Title : Should contain the title and the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s). The full postal address, Internet e-mail address, of the author who will receive correspondence and check the proofs should be included. The main title should, where possible, contain the major key words used in the body of the manuscript.
Abstract : Manuscripts must include brief but informative English and Spanish Abstract, intelligible without reference to the main text. It should not exceed 200 words and should describe the scope, hypothesis or rationale for the work and the main findings. References to the literature and mathematical symbols / equations should not be included.
Key words (3-5) should be provided below the English Abstract to assist with indexing of the article. These should not duplicate key words from the title. A MSC codification has to be proposed.
Footnotes should be kept to a minimum
Introduction : Should include sufficient background information to set the work in context. The aims of the manuscript should be clearly stated.
Results : Should be presented in a logical sequence in sections.
Acknowledgments : The financial grants and funding, if any, may be acknowledged at the end of the contents before the references.
References : Bibliographic references in the text appear using square braces [] in superscript. References should be numbered consecutively as follows :
Journal paper : [1] ALDEN,J.M. and SMITH R.(1992) : Rolling horizon procedures in nonhomogeneous Markov decision processes. Operations Research, 40, 183-194.
Books : [3] BREIMAN, L., FRIEDMAN, J. H., OLSHEN, R. A. Y STONE, CH. J. (1984) : Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth, Belmont.
Chapters in a Book : [2] ANDERSON, A. B., BASILEVSKY, A. and DEREK, P. J. (1983) : Missing data : a review of the literature. En : Rossi P.H., Wright J.D., Anderson A.B. Handbook of Survey Research, 123-129. Academic Press ,New York.
Conferences : [2] GILES, R. C., BEZUIDENHOUT, C. N. and LYNE, P. W. L.(2005) : A simulation study on cane transport system improvements in the Sezela Mill area. South African Sugarcane Conference, Johanesburg.
Citations to web pages : [10] DAVIS, R.E AND ELDER, K. (2002):Application of Classification and Regression Trees : Selection of Avalanche Activity Indices at Mammoth Mountain. Disponible en Consulted 15-1,2008.
Tables : Should be self-contained and complementand numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Each table should be presented with a comprehensive and concise legend above the table.
Figures : Only necessary illustrations should be included. Line drawings and photographs are classified as figures. They should be cited in consecutive order in the text. Line figures should be supplied as a Words-friendly computer graphics package and supplied as high resolution (at least 300 d.p.i.) electronic files. Digital images supplied only as low- resolution print-outs cannot be used
Proofs : Will be sent via e-mail and should be returned within 2 weeks of receipt. Alterations to the text and figures other than the essential correction of errors are unacceptable. The no receipt a new version of the accepted papers, in this period, will be considered as an acceptation of the galley proof.