IWOR 2023 Conference

Convenio SABER Universidad Habana

15-th International Workshop

on Operation Research

Models and methods for information management and decision making

Habana (Cuba), May 29 - June 2, 2023

Organized by

Universidad de La Habana

Université Paris 1




Sociedad Cubana de Matemática y Computación - Asociación Cubana de Investigación Operacional

Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigación Operativa


Full versions of the papers presented at the conference can be submitted until February 29 2024 to the journal Investigación Operacional.


Aims of the Workshop

This workshop intends to provide a platform for discussing about new theoretical and practical results on the area of OR, mainly focused on decision making problems and management of the required information for such process.  The workshop welcomes contributions on mathematical and computational methods of statistics, optimization, numerical mathematic, soft computing, big data sciences and business intelligence, to support decision making process in problems of human health, environment, economics and regional development so as experiences on OR education for promoting innovation and research interests in the students. Cross-fertilization between different topics of the OR and Computer Sciences, are also expected. Tutorials read by well-known specialists will take place on May 29th –May 30th

We invite researchers to organize special sessions devoted to one specific topic or on the applications.


A social program will be also offered. It will include the opening activities on May 29th, Cuban music, a tour for significant places of the university tours, the closing activities on June 2nd and other options.



The Workshop covers contributions on

  • Biomathematics
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Biostatistics
  • Optimization
  • Big Data & Business Intelligence
  • Operations Research Education
  • Application in the Economy
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Logistics
  • Soft Computing
  • Management Sciences
  • Applications in Medicine
  • Multicriteria Decision Making
  • Applications in Environment



Organizing Committee

President: Raúl Guinovart Díaz (Dean, Facultad de Matemática y Computación)

Members: Celia González, Wilfredo Morales, Genry Pérez.


Program  Committee

S. Allende [Chair, Havana], D. Aussel [Perpignan], M.L. Baguer [Havana], J. M. Bardet [Paris 1], C. Bouza [Havana], G. Bouza [Havana], A. Célisse [Paris 1], M. Cottrell [Chair, Paris 1], J. Cochran [Alabama], A. Fernández [Havana], J. Daduna [Berlin], J. F. García [Villa Hermosa], C. Hardouin [Paris Ouest Nanterre], D. Haughton [Boston], R. Kalid [Bahía], L.R. Keller [Los Angeles], A. Marrero [Havana], R. Miranda [Cienfuegos], G. Mohlenberg [Hasselt], M. Olteanu [Paris Dauphine], F. Navarro [Paris 1], L. M. Plà [Lleida],], J. Rodríguez [Villa Clara] A. Ruiz [Havana], J. Rynkiewicz [Paris 1], J. Rückman [Bergen], R. Stolletz [Mannheim], Ch. Tammer [Halle], L. Sandoval [Puebla], J. M. Sautto [Acapulco], V. Sistachs [Havana], J.L. Verdegay [Granada], B. A. Wickström [Budapest], Z. Shkedy [Hasselt].


Submission of Abstracts and Papers NEW DEADLINE : March 30-th 2023

Researchers interested in participated at the workshop shall create an account at https://eventos.uh.cu/event/18/. After validating your account, you can submit the abstract of your contribution, written in English using Times New Roman 10. It shall include title (in bold upper case and centered), full name of all authors (labeled by numbers), their corresponding institutions and Keywords (in italics). The rest of the abstract will be a single paragraph of no more than 250 words. Results of the contribution shall be highlighted. Please underline the name of the speaker and include his/her email. The abstract have to be submitted here.

The presentations may be in Spanish or English but the slides must be written in English.

Contributions will be examined by the Scientific Committee of the workshop, which will decide on their acceptance and mode of presentation. An email will be sent as soon as your paper is accepted.

Full versions of the papers presented at the conference can be submitted until February 29 2024 to the journal Investigación Operacional.

Please, also send a copy of your contribution´s abstract and the following information form (PDF - 104Ko) as an attachment to:

Prof. Dr. Sira Allende Alonso

Fac. Matemática y Computación 

Universidad de La Habana



Prof Dr. Marie Cottrell 

SAMM Université Paris 1





15th IWOR (Havana, May 29 - June-2, 2023)

Information form for Program Committee

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Institution: ___________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________ Ph.D Student: yes____ no____

I plan to make a contribution yes ____ no____

Title of the paper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


I am interested in publishing it at Investigación Operacional yes____ no_____


Thematic of your talk: ______Biomathematics ______ Biostatistics ______ Big Data & Business Intelligence

______ Logistics ______ Management Sciences ______ Multicriteria Decision Making

______Numerical Analysis ______ Optimization ______ Operations Research Education

______ Probability & Statistics ______ Soft Computing

______Application in the Economy ______Applications in Medicine and Environment


Important dates


Abstracts and registration form submissions

From January 3rd, 2023

 Deadline for submitting abstracts and registration form

 March 30th , 2023

 Notification of acceptance of papers

 April 5th , 2023

 Submission of full papers for evaluation and publication in Investigacion Operacional Revista

 Before October 2nd, 2023

 Early payment of the registration fees

 Before April 15th, 2023

 Deadline of the payment of the registration fees

 May 28th, 2023


 May 26th -29th, 2023

 Opening Ceremony

 May 29th , 2023

 Closing Ceremony

 June 2nd, 2023


Conference fees




Before April 15th

After April 15th


Cuban delegates


(Cuban Pesos)

Presenting professional delegate



Presenting postgraduate student



Presenting undergraduate student



Foreign delegates



Presenting professional delegate



Presenting postgraduate student



Presenting undergraduate student



Accompanying person




Payment of the registration fee shall be made until May 28, 2023, through the event's platform, convencion.uh.cu in the corresponding category (direct link). Undergraduate and graduate students must submit an official letter from the university to certify their status.


For further information related to registration fees, payment methods, registration fees, hotel offers, and other topics of interest, please consult the official website of the event and/or send an e-mail to: convencion@rect.uh.cu


Convention participants requiring an invitation letter to make the corresponding travel arrangements may request it from the Organizing Committee of the Convention by e-mail: convencion@rect.uh.cu